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Article SMH (24.02.2011)

If you went to school in the 1990s, you probably watched Degrassi High.

REMEMBER early 1990s band the Zit Remedy? They only had one song but a quick Google search reveals a wide affection for - and hundreds of covers of - their ''hit'' Everybody Wants Something.

The Zit Remedy were, of course, a fictional band from the cult Canadian high-school drama Degrassi Junior High, but the entries on YouTube are as highly cherished as any real band from the era.

Tonight ACMI pays homage to all things Degrassi in its Nineties Nostalgia night, presented by local outfit The Boxcutters, whose weekly podcast celebrates all things television. As well as exploring the enduring popularity of other '90s TV shows featuring high school kids, such as the British series Grange Hill, Press Gang, and our own Heartbreak High, the Boxcutters have scored something of a coup, landing one of Degrassi's best-known actors, Pat Mastroianni, aka the show's loveable rogue Joey Jeremiah, for a Q&A session via Skype from Canada.

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Mastroianni, now nearing 40, also appeared in the Degrassi The Next Generation series from 2000, but five years ago vowed his days discussing the iconic show - and answering to the name Joey - were behind him.

''I'd had my fill of the show, and wanted to separate myself from it,'' Mastroianni says on the phone.

''But when this opportunity came up, I jumped all over it. I've wanted to talk to fans in Australia for 20 years!''

Made for the CBC network in Canada, Degrassi Junior High (and the later Degrassi High) was shown here on ABC, and quickly gained a following. Featuring mostly unknown actors and gritty storylines, the low-budget series was acclaimed for tackling issues such as homosexuality, abortion, alcoholism and suicide - all much more controversial issues two decades ago.

''The topics seem kind of tame today, but back then, we got a lot of flak,'' says Mastroianni.

''We were one of the first teen shows to talk about AIDS - I didn't know anything about AIDS when we were filming. The producers brought in someone who had HIV and we had a workshop class to explain to us what it was.''

Certain episodes were banned in the UK and the US.

''In Canada, and probably Australia, we have a more liberal, open mindedness. We realised that half our audiences were kids and the other half were their parents watching with them,'' Mastroianni says. ''We knew the audience was savvy and could take something positive from it.''

Lest it sound preachy to anyone who hasn't seen the series, be assured that Degrassi also featured teen sex, car stealing, and, of course, the Zit Remedy, one of the highlights of the series, which is firmly imprinted on the cultural psyche of the decade.

Filmmaker Kevin Smith references Degrassi in his seminal film Clerks, and even names one of his characters after Degrassi's Caitlin Ryan. Smith is such a fan that he appeared as a fictional version of himself in Degrassi The Next Generation, in a storyline that has he and Jason Mewes making the fictional film Jay And Silent Bob Go Canadian, with Smith realising his long-held dream of romancing Caitlin.

So what was it about Degrassi that had such universal appeal? Mastroianni, whose Joey character was arguably the favourite of many, believes the show's strong writing and realistic storylines endeared it to a generation.

''And I think the show went out on a high note,'' he says. ''Even after the two-hour movie special, we didn't jump the shark.

''I think Joey was a character most people could relate to - they had a friend who was like, or knew somebody like him.

''Everyone can relate to the idea of jumping in before checking how deep the water is. He was always willing to take a chance and I think people can admire that quality.''

And, of course, he was the star of the Zit Remedy. But don't expect Mastroianni to sing anything at the ACMI event.

''We used to hate filming those scenes,'' he says. ''We hated that song! But I get the gag, I understand why people enjoy it and I've heard some fantastic covers that I've even downloaded for my own collection.''

Ecrit par brucas59 



Ecrit par brucas59 
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