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Interview The Star Scoop 15.11.2010

Annie Clark: “Something a little unexpected”

You’ve had a lot of heavy story lines packed into one character. Such is Degrassi. Did you have to do any special preparation for getting into some of the interesting character traits that come with Fiona?

Yeah. When I first started this season, I worked with the director, Eleanor Lindo on the abuse story line. We actually did a lot of research together. We talked to a social worker about teen violence and abusive relationships and how an abusive person would an act and how an abused person would act. That was really interesting to talk to her.

On top of that, the director wanted to make Fiona a bit narcissistic, so I also had to research narcissism so I could add that in to the character. And then of course with the drinking and everything, I’m not saying that I researched by drinking [laughs], but I watched a lot of movies and I actually watched an episode of Degrassi where Manny is drunk. I thought she did a really good job with that.

You started off with this interesting, controversial story line where people really didn’t like Fiona as much and then now, she’s really become this huge fan favorite! Kind of similar to what happened with Holly J as a character.

Maybe that’s why they’re such good friends. I didn’t think of that before! It’s been really cool for me, because I didn’t really know anything that was going to happen to my character this season when I first started Degrassi.

Fiona seemed like more of a one dimensional character. She was more of the mean girl. When I first heard about this character, I immediately just thought of Gossip Girl and now I think it’s completely steered away from that.

Fiona still loves fashion and she can be a little hard to handle sometimes, but I think that she has actually changed a lot this season into an actual person who is really vulnerable and that’s one of the things you see the most in Fiona this season. Last season, you couldn’t really ever tell what she was thinking; she kind of put up this front. Now that she’s accepted Degrassi and she’s made some friends or at least a friend, in Holly J, I think you’re actually seeing that she’s a real person.

What’s been going on with your character is one of the best story lines. The fans of Fiona and Adam are incredibly devoted.

I know! This is the first time a transgender character has been on TV basically.  I had no idea how people were going to react to our relationship. But it’s been so great! Everyone is all for the Adam and Fiona relationship, and it’s really cool to see!

Did you feel any nerves about coming onto the show with all of the reputation that came behind it?

For sure. I don’t know if you know this but I’ve been a long time fan of Degrassi. I’m the one on the set who has been the hardcore Degrassi fan. It was terrifying for me to come onto the show with the cast I’ve been watching for a really long time. I remember meeting them all for the first time and being so star struck. That definitely added to the nerves of then having to be part of the show and be on camera against these amazing young actors.

I think when I look back at season 9 now, I can so nervous I was in my first episode, working with Nina Dobrev and everyone in the cast. I think I’ve warmed up a bit now and they’re some of my best friends.

Do you have a favorite character or a favorite couple, just a story line that was the one that you always looked forward to?

I love Craig. And Craig and Ellie were my favorite couple on the older season. Jake Epstein, I love him and I just thought he did such a great job with the character Craig. I was always looking forward to seeing those episodes with Craig and Ellie.

And do you have a favorite now, obviously besides your own character’s story line?

[Laughs] Yeah, Holly J. We have a lot of scenes together and I thinkshe’s an interesting character. She, like you said before, used to be the really mean girl and now she’s still pretty feisty but she’s a lot nicer now. I love that, and I love Adam also, because I just think that’s such a new and interesting character.

Do you have any hopes for what will happen with Fiona and Adam? What are your thoughts?

We just finished filming season 10, so I know where Fiona’s at right now, but I have no idea what’s going to happen next season. She took the biggest turn this season. I can’t even wait to find out what’s going to happen next season!

As for where Fiona’s at right now, it’s going to be something a little unexpected, and I can’t wait for everyone to find out what’s going to happen. [And] Fiona and Adam, I love that relationship between them because it calms Fiona down a bit. I think she tends to get a little crazy and she likes to jump into things. Something happens at the end of the season where you really see who she is without all of the drama and the craziness she likes to put on top of things. I think that’s when you’ll really see Fiona. It will be the most interesting part, I think.

The actress [Joy Tanner] who plays your mom also played Jordan’s mom on Life With Derek. Has that come up?

Yeah. If Jordy’s on set the same day that my mom and I are shooting a scene, and we’re all in the hair and makeup room or something, she’ll come in and be like, oh, my daughters, how are my two daughters from a different family? We just had the wrap party last week and they were both there and we took a mother-daughter picture, the three of  us. We joke about it a lot. But it’s crazy how much Joy Tanner, who plays my mom, actually looks like me. Even my mom in real life tells me that my TV mom looks more like me!

You finished filming pretty recently. Have you had time to figure out any other projects?

We finished two weeks ago and a couple of the cast members and I went to Cuba.  Now I’m just kind of hanging out until next season. We’re going to start that in march. I’m still auditioning like all of us are right now for the next couple months. It’s kind of hard to sink your teeth into  new project when you’re going to turn around and start filming season 11.

Is there anything else you want your fans to know about you?

A question I get asked a lot is, are you anything like your character? I always answer no to that [laughs]. I don’t know if people are surprised by that. I think Fiona’s a pretty crazy character so I guess I want them to know that I’m not rich and snobby and an alcoholic and all that stuff. I’m basically just a normal girl.

What do you want to say to your fans who are going to read this? Any kind of message or shout out or anything special?

I love hearing their tweets every day. All their tweets make my day. I don’t know where we’d be without Twitter because I don’t think I would know how much they are enjoying my character and enjoying the show. Just to thank them for cheering me up every day and telling me that they’re loving the show. Thank you to them!

Ecrit par brucas59 



Ecrit par brucas59 
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